Thursday, July 26, 2012

Yesterday while all the cousins were here going on the waterslide and I was filming them, Brinely and her cousin went off to the side of the house to play on the fourwheeler trailers like they sometimes do.

I didn't think anything of it or worry about it because they play there often.
When I came up the hill from filming, my mom looked worried and told me she'd found Brinley playing with an antifreeze container that was leaking.
Brinley had antifreeze around her mouth.

She hurried and gave Brin a big drink of water and ran inside to look up poison control information on antifreeze.
I asked Brinley if the antifreeze had just been on her mouth or if it had gone down her throat.
She said it was on her tongue.

After talking to her more, we decided she'd probably just gotten a tiny amount on her tongue and around her mouth, but we watched her closely to make sure she didn't start showing any signs of poisoning.

She seemed fine the rest of the night, but my mind kept going over what would have happened if she'd gotten the lid off, or what if my mom hadn't checked on them when she did.

That night, I knelt by my bed and thanked Heavenly Father over and over again for whatever heavenly help watched over her and protected her that day and encouraged my mom to check on her when she did.

I felt terrible for being distracted and not being there for her myself.
I love that little girl so much.
I made sure to stare at her extra hard the rest of the day; take her all in.
And give her extra kisses that night as she slept.
Today could have ended so differently.

I'm so thankful that my children aren't just my own....that they're Heavenly Father's children too.
And that He is so aware of them and is here to help us protect and take care of them.

I love Him and thank Him so much for that.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Today has been a long day.
But a good day.
Chad left for the 6th Annual Boys campout this morning.
Boy was that boy excited: )
Brecon came and helped him load the truck and off they went.
I know they're gonna have a blast.....and I'm glad: )

Poor Em's though.
She cried and cried for an hour straight tonight before bed because she missed her daddy so much.
I think she genuinely had that home sick, longing kind of feeling.
I felt bad for her.
We said a prayer and sang some silly songs....
and she's now finally asleep.
It's 10:30.

And I finally get to eat dinner!
Did I mention it's 10:30.
Oh well, such is the life of a mother.
I wouldn't change it for the world: )

The girls and I went to the Osmond Elementary to play today.
My old stomping grounds.
Chad always jokes that Little Chiefs (his elementary mascot) kill Cougars (my elementary mascot) easy, peasy.
I just tell him Cougars stalk Little Chief's and tear there faces off in the night.
So yep.  Pretty much I win.

It was so fun watching the girls play together at the school yard and playground.
They ran through the sprinklers, rode there little bikes around as fast as their little legs would let them, and made up this super awesome game in which they had magical powers and I was the bad witch that stole their baby brother.
Of course I played along and ran away holding Austin while laughing my best evil laugh.
Austin totally nailed his role as kidnapped baby brother.
He's a natural. : )

But honestly, it's hilarious watching Em and Brin play pretend together.  They instantly jump into character. And all the expressions and the commentary......funny, funny stuff: )

After the magical powers game died down in intensity, they discovered the awesomeness of acoustics. We each took turns belting out songs at the top of our lungs in the big entry way of the school building. 
Heck, that entry way even had me sounding good.
They were stinkin' adorable standing on top of their cinder block stages, making up random words to random tunes.
I remember making up the same kinds of songs.

Only with more vertebrata: )

I think Em's song said something about not falling in love with someone you love because your sister loves them more than you.....and Brin's song was an eclectic mixture of completely random words ending with the word NATURE! (sung with both arms reaching out and her head held back).
At least it had some spunk to it.
I think it must have been hip hop: )

While the girls finished up their singing, I layed on the grass with Austin on my tummy and stared into his face.
Man, there is something about looking into this little boys eyes.
He is wise.
So wise.
I can just feel it.

We stopped and picked up snow cones on the way home.
Unfortunately, they didn't accept cards.
And as I was jogging between two different stores trying to find somewhere I could get cash back, while an awesome lady from an old ward of ours who just happened to be there held my baby and watched my girls  (Thank you so much awesome lady!)  I thought to myself....
We go through the chaoticness (pretend that's a word) and all the crazy moments because we love our kids so much.

On the way home, I watched Em and Brin through the rear view mirror as they slurped away on their snow cones and laughed like crazy about something or other.
All the jaunting back and forth between stores...totally worth it.

Yep, pretty good day.

But I'm still gonna miss sleeping by the ol' BFF tonight.
Kinda like that boy.

p.s. Tomorrow's goal: Post Austin's birth story.
Sheesh, he's only three and a half months'd think I'd have it out by now: )