42. I have a really hard time making phone calls. It is such a weird little phobia, but I often have to sike myself up to make them, which includes running through exactly how I will say things and respond to who I'm calling. Weird I know.
43. Chad tries to help me overcome this by sometimes refusing to make a call that he knows we need to.
44. Although I hate it at the time, I appreciate him too: )
45. This is partly why I am soo bad at keeping in touch with my friends and family. I think about my friends and family a lot, but I don't stay in touch well.
46. This makes me sad.
47. I'm really working on letting people know how much I love them.
48. I get nostalgic a lot; but I think it's because I have loved every part of my life for what it is, the good and the ugly.
49. When I think of Snow College I sometimes almost start to cry. I grew and became so much there.
50. I felt an overpowering feeling as soon as I came into Ephraim that it was exactly where I needed to be.
51. I can now see the million reasons why.
52. Melissa is one of those reasons. Thanks mel: )
53. Melissa has a natural talent to pull some of the most hilarious faces you'll ever see. I think she should post some for us; )
54. When I found out Emyri was breach and we'd have to do a C-section I started to cry. I don't think my doctor or Chad understood why. Some part of me just wanted to have that birthing experience.....weird I know, but it's just how I felt.
55. I now feel Emyri's birth experience was incredible and I wouldn't have changed a thing.
56. I can't explain how incredible it felt to meet my little girl for the first time; it took my breath away.
57. I never knew just how much my mom loved me until I had Emyri. Now I understand and it makes me want to cry. I don't think I can thank her enough for loving me like she does: )
58. I wish somehow I could have known before.
59. My third semester in college I started getting really bad headaches everyday. I ended up having to have a CT scan done in Provo. My dad drove all the way from Wyoming on snowy roads to meet me at the hospital just so I wouldn't have to be alone for the 30 minute test. Afterward, he had to turn around and drive back home. Thinking of how much my dad loves me makes me want to cry too. My dad would do anything for me and has done soo much for me. I love him so much.
60. I wonder if my headaches came from taking a beginning swimming class that semester. Maybe it was a reaction to the chlorine or from the pressure of being under water. I had never been in a pool so much. weird, but maybe: )
61. When I was younger our family used to pick worms for money. My brothers dared me to eat a worm. I couldn't muster the courage to swallow it, but I sure sucked on it for a while. I'm not sure which was worse.
62. I'm the only girl with four brothers.
63. I've always thought my brother's were the coolest and would do anything to gain their respect. I still think they're the coolest: )
64. I wanted a sister so badly, I started saving my money when I was little and putting it in a box on which I had written "Adoption Fund". I was saving up so my parents could adopt a girl.
65. Because of this lack of sisterhood, I made my little brother play house, dress-up, school, primary, pretty much whatever I wanted us to play.
66. I have pictures of both of us dressed up in frilly dresses.
67. I hope this hasn't scarred him for life: )
68. I loved playing with dolls when I was little and it makes me smile to see Emyri have that same passion. I can see myself doing so many of the little things she does: )
69. When I'd stay the night at my best friend Mandy's house when I was little, her and I and her little sister Calli would stay up late and quietly clean the entire kitchen for her mom. We'd pretend we were munchkins and leave a note sealed with tiny lipstick kisses for her to find in the morning.
70. I'm planning on telling Emyri all about that in hopes that her and her little friends will do the same thing. I'd love to wake up to a clean kitchen and lipstick kissed notes: )
71. I spent so much of my childhood riding my bike or rollerblades with Kade to our friend's houses, playing cops and robbers and annie-eye-over, making up dances and songs, playing nightgames down at "kid city", having sleep overs, eating macaroni, swimming at Sandy Bottoms or in Schwern's canal, and exploring our world.
72. I loved every minute of my childhood and wish every kid could be so lucky.
73. I think my brothers are hilarious.
74. I think Chad's brother's and sister are hilarious.
75. I'm so glad I'm surrounded by such funny people.....keeps things interesting: )
76. I could talk to both my mom and Chad's mom for hours.....and I love to: )
77. I'll never forget how hilarious Sherilyn and Debanee and I thought we were when we talked about calling Wheeler's to see if Spike (their oddly indestructible dog) could come over and play.....because who calls someone to see if their dog can come over? We always thought we were hilarious huh guys: )
78. Ashley has been one of my heroes since before I can remember.
79. When I was pregnant with Emyri I craved Carmellos. With this baby I've craved Whoppers. (However, I may just subcontiously be using "pregnancy" as an excuse to over indulge on sweets: ) oh well. )
80. Chad has always left me love notes and little surprises. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me: )
81. Chad gets embarrassed when I tell people all of the cute things he does for me......: )
82. Our wedding pictures didn't turn out very well, so we've talked about dressing up and taking them again. Is that just wrong? It'd be funny to have a picture of us dressed up in wedding dress and tux in front of the temple with Emyri nonchalantly running in the background.
83. That'd sure throw our kids off: )
84. I love the way Aleesha jokes around with her kids.
85. I also think it's cute the way Dusty "pretends" to be all tough, but really melts like butta' for Aleesha and his kids: ) Don't tell him I said that.
86. I'm in awe with all of the awesome girls in our ward. I have learned so much from each of them.
I have the same phobia as number 42. You're not alone.
You're so cute, Vandi.I loved talking to you tonight!
I am loving your 101 things installments. That way I can savor each little piece until you post some more!
I miss you Vandi! I'll pull the ugliest faces you've ever seen if you come and visit me. :) Hey, I can retake your wedding pictures while you're here! I'm sure the pregnant baby and 2 yr. old will go unnoticed. haha!
Thanks for being your awesome self, Van!
We didn't get any wedding pictures either & I have wanted to have then re-done because it drives me crazy. But then I think that I wouldn't really use them as wedding pictures, because they really aren't. Plus I would have a different dress. Let me know if you end up doing it. I'd love to see it.
Vandi, my name is Teea Lamb. The other day I googled my name to see what came up (weird, I know!) and I found your blog and the sweet post you made about our family and our baby Kynslee. I can't tell you how much we appreciated that. We were so touched. We had no idea so many people knew about it, and for some reason, we appreciated they did. I guess it is comforting to know others recognize your pain. Ben remembers you from Snow, and actually I do to, but we didn't know each other. Anyway, we just really can't tell you enough how much it meant to us. Thanks for your thoughtfulness. Thank you!! And it was fun to see whats going on with you now. We hope you are doing well.
Vandi! I love finding out all these things about you! I love that you called to ask if the neighbor's dog could come over... that cracks me up!
I love reading about you and your family. Your little girl is so cute. She looks so much like you. I miss Ephraim too. I had some good times there. One of Andy's professors called him the other day and wants him to come talk to his class. I'm so excited to go and have all the memories come back. You are so cute and I hope you get your wedding pics!
omg im so glad someone else besides me has the same talking on the phone phobia! i totally go through in my head what im gonna say before i call someone....wow that made me feel a little less crazy haha. and thats also why im horrible at keeping in touch with people! daryl gets so mad!
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