Saturday, January 9, 2010

Mothering Style....did you know you had one?

I'm sorry....I have been so technologically out of touch since the holiday break, so sorry for the long pause in posting. I have a lot to share about the whole Christmas Box experience which I totally plan on posting tomorrow, but just to throw this out real quick, my friend Mel posted this the other day and I thought it was pretty interesting, so I wanted to share it.

On the sweet-n-condensed version of the test I was an ENFJ (Extravert, Intuitive, Feeling Judging). But I think the most interesting thing would be to see how that affects my "mothering style."

So, I'm going to find the book Mother Styles at the library and see if I can't better understand my mother self: ) I almost wish there were some kind of personality test out there for our kids so we could better understand them and their perspectives and needs. There probably is something like that out there. Anybody know? Heck, maybe I'll Google it and let you know: )

1 comment:

Melissa E Photography said...

I was just thinking about how I haven't seen a post from you for a while. I'm glad you're alive! :)

You can find more details about your mothering style at

That style sounds just like you!

I'm STILL having a hard time trying to figure out what I am (They just don't have a style for perfect..haha..), but it has been so interesting reading about it. The book also goes over your child's personality and how to deal with differences, but I think my kids are a little too young to figure out yet.
