Thursday, August 25, 2011

I didn't realize I'd be so nervous.

But my hands were shaking when I filled out the paper work to get this little gem....

And I know you cannot even tell what's there...I barely could either.
But right in the middle was this little, tiny, fluttering AMAZING heartbeat.

And we couldn't be happier.

Dr. Prince helped me through my ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage.
The first thing he said to Chad and I when he walked in the room...

"I've been happy for you guys all day since I saw your name on the schedule this morning."

Good, good Doctor: )

And oh how I wished we'd filmed the moment we told the girls about their new baby sibling.
It was priceless.

First denial, "Nu-uh!"
Then, "Are you serious?"
Followed by little girl screams of joy and lots of jumping around!

We had them redo it for the camera, but they couldn't hide the excitement on their faces to make it actually look authentic.

Can it be March yet?
Because I cannot wait to see the look on their faces when they actually get to meet baby for the first time.

Now, that will be one sweet day.