Tuesday, June 2, 2009

These guys are so cool. Since I discovered them I've been going through their "missions". I just think it's cool that someone actually does the things that I think of but never have the guts nor manpower to do: ) The best thing is that their scenes just usually make peoples day. I imagine the bystanders rushing home to tell their family and friends, "You'll never guess what happened to me today......." Cheers to causing a scene for all to enjoy!

This link has one of my favorite missions: Food Court Musical


Karri Warren said...

OH MY GOSH!!! That is the best thing that I have ever seen. My hubby and I died laughing. I wish I had the power to do something like that. Lol.

Ruth said...

That is really funny! Thanks for sharing that. :)

Wilkes family said...

hey vandi, so great to hear from you! we are in star valley for the summer, livin with my parents, yay! hehe. I wish i was teaching guitar but i've gotten busy with work. Your little girl is such a cutie! i'm sure you are a fabulous mommy!

SmustysGirl said...

I remember years ago discovering them and they froze in place at Home Depot (I think?) and I thought, "What a great idea" I'll have to take a look and see what new things they're up to