In attempts to teach some work ethics and the power of choice and consequences around this joint, I've started having the girls clean there room in the mornings before they can go outside to play.
It's gone pretty well, but this morning has been a different story.
They are currently IN THEIR ROOM UNTIL IT'S CLEAN.
And although they have pulled the mattress off of Em's bed and about every toy out of the closet and are presently laughing their heads off while practicing their aerobatics...
I've chosen to be cool as a cucumber.
No power struggles today. I know some natural consequences like
rumbly, hungry tummies or a neighbor friend knocking on the door wanting to play will eventually kick their motivation into gear.
Anywho, different post for a different day.
But, before the aerobatics began and I'd first asked the girls to clean there room, Em kept saying, "'ve gotta help us! We can't do this ourselves!"
And I found myself saying, "Em, I am helping you. I'm helping you to help yourself."
And after sending her disappointed self back into her room with some, 'I know you can do it's' and 'I believe in you's' knowing she probably wouldn't understand the lesson for years to come, I continued my own chores for the day when these thoughts started rumbling around inside.....
You know it's just like Heavenly Father.
We cry out in despair,
'You've gotta help us! We can't do this on our own!'
And although I have had many of those kinds of prayers answered in help beyond my own....
sometimes He answers by patting us on the back and sending us back out into the fight.
~But oh the love in those pats.~
We say, 'We want it easy! We don't want to have to reach and stretch outside ourselves. We don't want to have to fight and sweat and labor for the answers.'
But our Heavenly Father knows all we can become.
He knows how far we can stretch and reach and grow.
He knows.
And because our infant eyes don't see that far yet....
He will rarely go easy on us.
Until one day we do see.
And we thank Him and thank Him and thank Him.
Awesome! I REALLY needed that today!
me too Callie: ) Glad it could help us both.
Btw, your little family is so incredibly adorable. And you are so beautiful. I loved looking at all your family pictures: )
I love the new pictures Vandi, cutest family EVER! I miss visiting teaching you, we'll just have to get together...soon! Thanks for sharing this and inspiring me :D I just love you and your spirituality and example. Thanks!!! :D
That little scenario you described sounds all too familiar. Oh the joy of two sisters who love giggling with each other (instead of doing what they are supposed to be doing)!!! I've got two just like them. After so many days of Katie Marie telling me "mom, I don't want to play with my friends today, or watch a movie," I finally figured out that those incentives just weren't working any longer. But, I have now figured out the solution. Breakfast (not a good incentive for all kids especially if they have blood sugar problems, but that is not an issue for mine). My kids never take long to clean even the biggest of messes in the morning and many times they'll even go to bed with things clean (in those instances I still assign them a job like wiping the door knobs down, which they really do love). It's now a habit that my kids anticipate. You might think that after figuring this little gem out for myself and my girls that my house would be clean all the time, not so. Because, although the girls are very motivated in the morning by breakfast, they still have a remarkable talent for messing things up again. Oh the joys of these sweet little kids.
I love the insight you shared from such a small example of a normal part of my everyday life. I need to be better at looking at the little things and finding the symbolic possibilities.
Sorry my comment was more of a post in and of itself.
I totally needed this today. Thanks for putting your thoughts into words.
I love your new family photos! How cute!
How fun was that..I almost started crying. Ha ha, must be the little bit of post-pregnancy hormones left in my system. That is so exciting for you guys! Thanks for sharing.
Um that last comment by me was suppose to go on the big baby gender reveal post, not sure how I messed that up.
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