Friday, May 25, 2007

Deep Thigh Bruises....Youch!

So this last weekend was SV's first annual softball tournament, which is always a huge deal for this small town. The last few weeks Chad's been busy putting together a team...and let me tell you, he's been "little boy in amusement park" excited about it....that is until half way through the first game he and Dave were running for the same pop fly at full speed and crashed into each other giving Dave some sweet scraps on his face and Chad this massive deep thigh bruise. (Dave's knee rammed perfectly into his thigh). Chad was a good sport and tried to play his best during the next two games, but by the time we came home he could barely walk. He even had me find some old crutches his family had in the house. So now it's almost a week later and I feel like I'm either working at the care center (nursing home) again or married to an eighty year old with all of this helping him in and out of bed, into the car, out of the car, putting his pants, socks, and shoes on, and taking them all off when the day is done. Chad's starting to sound pretty wussy here, but really he's not....that's the crazy thing. He's usually way tough about stuff, so I know it's been hurting him a lot. It really is probably the worst bruise I've ever seen and the last few days his knees been really swollen and achy so we finally wen't to the physical therapist yesterday and figured out some stuff that he could do to help. But yeah, that's about the biggest news we've had for the week except that Emyri started saying "duck" : ) and it's way cute. Anywho, things here are going great and we're really loving life in all it's stages. P.S. We got Emyri to bed early last night and asked Chad's parents if they'd watch her while we went to Pirates of the Carribean 3, it was a good movie....from the parts I saw, but what is it about being a mom that makes you so blasted tired by the end of the day. I could barely keep my eyes open and feel asleep on Chad's shoulder for the whole middle of the movie. When we got home I apologized to Chad for sleeping through our date....he just laughed at me: ) Good thing he loves me: )

A few of Emyri's tricks:
*saying "Bosco" (ba-oh) (that's chad's parents dogs name...she loves him, yesterday I caught her kissing his back..gross I know)
*she also loves to say wow, uh-oh, duck, and ball
*she gives us huge slobbery open mouth kisses
*she loves to play the "I'm gonna get you" game
*and she also seems to know exactly where to go or what to do or eat that will either hurt her the worst, choke her, or poison her: ) we pretty much have to watch her like a hawk because she's so curious, but we seriously love her to death!


proudmamablogga said...

I can't believe she can say so many words! Shmoly hokes! She's beautiful, you know. I'm sorry about Chad's bruise, but that's pretty cool he's still getting a team together. Tell him to walk it off. ;)

Melissa E Photography said...

HOLY COW!! That bruise is HUGE! (and painful) I just showed Aaron your blog and he said, "You better keep track of their little girl so Parker can marry her." She is SO cute!

Love you guys!