While riding in the car...
"Let's be like daddy. Let's be a dork." Followed by a string of incoherent noises and weird faces; her best impression of the man. : )
During church she is sitting on my lap when she stops and takes a good look at the newly developed blemish on my face.
"Mom? What's that?"
"It's a zit.'
"Like Daddy?"
"Yeah, sometimes daddy gets those too."
"Oh, I get zits when I'm sick."
"You do huh?"
"Yeah, I get zits when I'm sick."
After showing me one of her "tricks" which consisted of jumping from
cushion to cushion while throwing out some crazy arm movements I said.....
"Man Emyri, How'd you get so tricky?"
"Umm, because Jesus loves me."
I can't help but smile...
"Yep Emyri, Jesus
does love you."
While making Emyri's crib into a toddler bed (finally!), I knew Emyri would be pretty excited, but I didn't know just how excited. She just kept squealing and jumping around saying, "Oh my goodness, this is so amazing!"
When Chad got home from school the other day, Emyri woke up after hearing the door close. When Chad poked his head in her room she exclaimed in her little high pitched excited voice..."Dad! Nice to see you!"
Sometimes in her prayers she will say, "Thank you for Jesus...and we will hug Him and kiss Him." : )
Just barely while I'm sitting here typing this, she's making the cushions into a bed on the floor while singing, "Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog!"
All I can say is I love this girl and there's never a dull moment with Emyri around: )