And after bluntly laying out all the sacrifices that will have to be made in order to be on this team, you still jump off the couch excitedly and say, "I want to be on the team! It's all worth it to me."
And it is.
You look back and see all the hard work, all the times you thought you were going to puke from running so hard, all the practice, all the bumps and bruises, all the lost games, all the moments of insecurity, all the time it took up, it was all worth it. It was worth it because of all you learned, all the fun you had, all the times you won, all the personal victories, all the bonds you made, all the confidence you gained, all you became and saw you could do. The taken opportunity was worth the so worth it.
And that's how I feel about being a mom right now. There are bumps and bruises and lost games. There is hard work, practice, conditioning. There are definitely times I feel like throwing up (have you heard of pregnancy?) There are moments, many, moments of insecurity. And oh the amount of time it takes! There are things that have to be put off. I've been thinking about those things I've had to put off lately.
large amounts and quality amounts of alone time
quiet to ponder in
time to write
playing piano and guitar
song writing
running....I mean consistently and whole hearted running
sleep....high quality good ol' know what I'm talking about
time to read
the right to be irresponsible at times
the ability to sit through church and really take it all in
uninterrupted prayers and scripture study
more schooling.....becoming a counselor
learning to dance
and learning to be a better speaker and teacher
And as much as I love all of those things (and I'm being serious, I really do love those things, they are a part of me) ...I love my two little girls inconceivably so much more.
And I'm not saying I never get to do any of those things I enjoy and love. I do...and it's important to me that I do. I'm just saying it's in a lesser form, lower quality kind of way. I'm also saying that right now I am totally content and at peace with only getting to do those things in a limited way right now. I'm so glad that I have come to realize that, because it makes it so much easier to live in the moment. I'm not in the moment wishing to be somewhere else. I'm not present with the girls wishing I was playing the guitar, reading a book, or taking a nap (okay, in all honesty the taking a nap thing does cross my mind). Realizing that in a blink of an eye this time and season of little hands, kisses, diapers, baby steps, funny logic, precious hugs, and holding sleeping babies in my arms is going to pass me by and I'm going to find myself with all the time in the world to play music, read, nap!, ponder, and sit in quiet.
In fact, I'll probably be there wishing I could hold those tiny hands and kiss those chubby cheeks again.
I'm so glad Heavenly Father has helped me come to this conclusion and reach this point. I enjoy it all in such a new way now. I just want to stare at these two amazing girls before me. I just want to take in every ounce of how they look, the things they say and do. I just want to hold them and make them laugh and make their day. In all the crazy busyness of little kids I'm so glad I have this opportunity and season. I want on the team! And to me it is all worth it. Everything I may have to put off for a while, every way it may tire me and be me it is still so so worth it.
Tender, Vandi! That was a really sweet post...what a great example you are!
Hopefully someday I can be as great of a mom as you are! :)
Ah, Beus. Yesterday I was feeling like I needed a little something to help me regain my focus and remember to cherish this time. Sometimes it's so easy to soak it all in, and some days I am just checking off a list until bedtime. I hate that!
I believe I found my little something to help me focus!
Aaw, Vandi! You are such a loving mother! Your girls are precious and I know that they know and feel how much you love them!
So......true, well said Vandi!
You have such a beautiful way of laying it out for everyone. Mommyhood really is Wonderful!!!
What happened to Brinley's hair? Did Emyri take all of it for the two of them?
That was beautiful Vandi. I miss you, we need to visit and introduce our little ones. Enjoy those beautiful girls, I know you do.
Just want to say thank you. This is something that is constantly on my mind, but I have never been able to find a way to voice it. You said it perfect. I'm glad you feel like it's worth it. I know that sounds really stupid, but it really scares me.
Thanks for sharing. I think about that all the time. Taking each day for what it's worth. Trying to soak it all up become one day our little children won't be little anymore and I know I'm going to miss it!
Thanks again Vandi. You nailed it. . . like usual.
A few nights ago I asked myself what I would do with my life if I knew I only had one year to live. The answer surprised me. As I thought about it, I realized that if I only had one year, I would want to spend every single day with the babies, playing, hugging, reading, making memories.
That realization made me happy.
I'm linking to this. Let me know if you don't want me to.
Thanks so much Van! It makes me miss you even more. You are such a great strength and example. I love you so so so much! We all need that sometimes and its funny you wrote this because it is exactly how I have been feeling of late!
I loved reading this post Vandi. So true! I hope things are going well for you and Chad. You're girls are beautiful!
Mommy hood really wonderful!!!!You are such a loving mother!!!!thanks for sharing !!!
Are you scared to be alone at home need security
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